Are you feeling sluggish, tired, or simply not your best?

It's time to add a little more pep to your step! One of the best ways to do that is by investing in a maca root supplement. This incredible plant extract has been used for centuries to help people boost their energy levels, increase vitality, improve sexual health, and enhance overall wellness.

In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at some of the best maca supplements on the market. So, whether you're an athlete looking to improve performance or just someone who wants to feel better, read on to discover some of the top options out there.

Get ready to feel amazing!

What is Maca Root?

Maca root, also known as Lepidium meyenii, is a plant native to South America and part of the Brassicaceae family. It has been cultivated for more than 2000 years in the central Andes region of Peru and is now widely used as a supplement due to its potential health benefits.

Maca root extract is often referred to as "Peruvian ginseng" because it can help the body manage stress, boost energy levels, and improve mood. It may also help increase libido, reduce erectile dysfunction, boost fertility, reduce blood pressure, and act as an antioxidant. Additionally, maca root is available in three different colors - black, red, and yellow - with each color having its own unique properties.

What Is The Difference Between Black, Red, & Yellow Maca Root?

Black maca root is known for its ability to boost energy levels and improve physical performance. It also contains high levels of antioxidants which can help reduce inflammation and protect cells from damage. Additionally, black maca root may help improve memory and cognitive function.

Red maca root is known for its ability to support healthy hormone levels in both men and women. It may also help reduce the symptoms of menopause in women, as well as improve fertility in both sexes. Red maca root is also believed to have anti-cancer properties due to its high levels of antioxidants.

Yellow maca root is the mildest variety of maca root and is known for its ability to boost mood and relieve stress. It may also help improve digestion by reducing bloating and gas, as well as regulating blood sugar levels.

The Top 6 Picks

How Prolific Picks Chooses the Best For You

We all know how important it is to feel our best, but sometimes, it can be hard to know where to start. And when it comes to choosing a supplement like maca root, things can get seriously overwhelming.

Don't fret, though, because we've got your back! We understand that you don't want to waste your precious time (or your money!) on products that aren't going to do the trick. That's why we've done the deep dive for you, evaluating and testing the best maca root supplements on the market right now.

We took into account both expert opinions and customer reviews, ensuring that we found truly effective options. We're excited to share our findings with you, so you can get on your way to experience all the benefits of maca root without any of the guesswork. Get ready to feel amazing, because we've got you covered!

We hope you find stuff worth having from the list below! Each product was independently selected by our team and all opinions in this article are our own. Prolific Picks may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to buy something (that's how we stay in business).

1. Food to Live Organic Yellow Maca Powder

Best Raw Yellow Maca Powder

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Why We Love It

Food to Live Organic Yellow Maca Powder is naturally high in nutrients such as Vitamin C and B6, iron, copper, potassium, dietary fiber, and plant proteins. It's also packed with flavonoids that have powerful antioxidant activity. This fantastic powder hails from Peru's Andes Mountains – a place known for its abundance of superfoods!

Organic Yellow Maca Powder by Food to Live is versatile and delicious - its mild flavor works perfectly with sweet fruits and veggies like smoothies, shakes, juices, lattes, homemade ice creams, dressings, and sauces. Just half a teaspoon per day is enough to reap all of its benefits! It's also suitable for various diets including vegan, keto, and vegetarian.

Things You Want to Know

  • Available in different sizes from 0.25 - 44 lb bags
  • 100% raw
  • USDA organic
  • Non-GMO
  • Small Business Brand
  • Climate Pledge Friendly

2. Mother Nature Organics Red Maca Root Powder

Best Red Maca Powder

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Why We Love It

Mother Nature Organics Red Maca Root Powder is the ideal boost you need to reach your peak performance.  It is a superfood that gives you an unparalleled energy boost without any additives or preservatives. As "The Peruvian Ginseng," it is ideal for bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and anyone in need of an extra energy boost. With just 1 tsp of Red Maca Root Powder, mixed into your favorite smoothie, drink, juice, or coffee. The powder is easy to digest, making it an ideal choice for people who have difficulty digesting other supplements.

Feeling tired and worn out can take the wind out of your sails. This pure maca powder helps to support mental alertness and physical performance, giving you the energy to power through your day. It is a natural energy booster, making it perfect for men and women alike. Introduced into your routine, it can balance your hormones, ease symptoms of PMS and hot flashes, and boost your energy and mood. That makes it an ideal choice for women looking to maintain an active lifestyle.

Things You Want to Know

  • 1 lb bag
  • 100% organic
  • Vegan
  • Gluten-free
  • Non-GMO
  • Climate Pledge Friendly
  • Small Business Brand
  • Committed to ethical sourcing and processing methods

3. Happy Andes Organic Black Pure & Raw Maca Root Powder

Best Raw Black Maca Powder

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Why We Love It

This organic Peruvian maca root powder is sourced from the frosty, soaring mountains of Andes, Peru--where the plant has been used for centuries for its health benefits and native taste.

This product is a clean and green plant-based protein food supplement. This maca root powder is also a sustainable energy source, providing an all-natural fuel for extra endurance to power through your daily work tasks with spare energy to spend with your loved ones.

It is also rich in protein, fiber, and essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, and iron. This makes our product a superfood for daily nourishment and an excellent supplement for those trying to increase their muscle mass.

They harvest their maca root from the local community for an authentic taste and freshness. Each purchase of their organic maca root powder contributes to Happy Little Faces, a local initiative that supports the studies of preschool kids from Andes.

Things You Want to Know

  • 16 oz. bag
  • Free from any artificial chemicals, coloring, or additives
  • USDA-certified organic
  • Gluten-free
  • Climate Pledge Friendly

4. Mount Essence Gelatinized Yellow, Red & Black Maca Powder

Best Gelatinized Maca Powder

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Why We Love It

This organic maca powder is a superfood that provides a natural boost to your body while promoting cellular protection and a stronger self-defense system. The formula is clean and pure, free from any preservatives or fillers, ensuring maximum potency and overall balance.

The Mount Essence maca powder is sourced from the Puna grasslands of the Andes Mountains in Peru. It blends 3 different types of maca, yellow, black, and red, which are the most potent types of maca available in the market today. The combination of these 3 maca types provides numerous benefits, including hormone balance, increased energy, and improved immune system function.

Things You Want to Know

  • 16 oz resealable bag
  • Vegan friendly
  • Non-GMO
  • USDA Organic
  • Climate Pledge Friendly
  • Small Business Brand

5. NutraChamps Organic Black, Red, & Yellow Maca Root Capsules

Best Maca Root Capsules

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Why We Love It

With 2100mg per serving, these organic Maca capsules deliver more bang for your buck than any other product available on the market. You can enjoy 180 capsules with a premium blend of black, red, and yellow Peruvian root powder.

At NutraChamps, they believe in providing superior absorption and benefits for all of our customers. That's why their vegan and organic maca powder capsules are gelatinized for easier digestion and increased bioavailability. It also incorporates black pepper extract to maximize absorption, ensuring that you get the most out of your supplement routine.

Things You Want to Know

  • 180 Capsules
  • 2100mg per serving
  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
  • Lab-tested
  • Made in the USA
  • Climate Pledge Friendly

6. MaryRuth Organics Maca Root Liquid Drops

Best Maca Root Liquid Drops

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Why We Love It

MaryRuth Organics Maca Root Liquid Drops is a natural health supplement made from USDA Organic Maca Root. The easy-to-take liquid drops are taken directly by mouth or added to water and can be taken up to 15 drops (0.5 mL) 1 to 3 times a day.

MaryRuth Organics is a Certified Health Educator, Nutritional Consultant, and Culinary Chef, founded by MaryRuth Ghiyam. MaryRuth Organics offers vegan liquid vitamins and supplements, as well as other products such as multivitamins and probiotics.

Things You Want to Know

  • 1 fl. oz tincture
  • USDA Organic
  • Non-GMO
  • Vegan
  • Made in a GMP Facility
  • Dairy Free, Nut Free, Gluten & Wheat Free, Soy Free, Corn Free, Sugar-Free, Alcohol-Free
  • No Synthetic or Artificial Colors

Best Maca Root Supplement FAQs

We know that when it comes to supplements like maca root, it's common to have lots of burning questions in the brain.

We understand - it can be tough to navigate all the different products out there! Lucky for you, we've got your back once again. We've put together a comprehensive list of the most frequently asked questions we hear about maca root supplements so that you can feel confident in your next purchase.

Whether you're wondering about dosage, potential side effects, or even just what maca root is in the first place, we've got you covered. We've compiled information from trusted sources so that you can feel good about the answers you're getting. So take a deep breath, leave the research to us, and get ready to feel like a supplement expert in no time!

How do I choose a maca supplement?

It is important to do your research and make sure you are getting a quality product that is free of fillers or additives. Look for supplements that are certified organic, non-GMO, and free of artificial colors or flavors. Additionally, it's important to pay attention to the dosage amount listed on the label, as some products may contain more or less than others.

When selecting a maca supplement, it is also important to consider what benefits you are looking for. Maca root has been known to have potential health benefits such as increased energy levels, improved mood and memory, enhanced fertility and libido, and relief from menopausal symptoms. Depending on your needs, you may want to choose a supplement that contains higher doses of certain vitamins or minerals like iron or iodine which can support healthy cells and metabolism.

Which is better maca root powder or pill?

The best form of maca root supplement is raw maca powder because it contains all of the nutrients and enzymes found in the whole plant. Other forms such as capsules or tablets may not be as effective because some of these nutrients may be lost during processing.

What is the difference between raw and gelatinized maca powder?

Raw maca powder is made from the root of the maca plant, which is dried and then ground into a fine powder. Gelatinized maca powder, on the other hand, has gone through an additional process where it is heated to remove some of the starches and enzymes. This makes gelatinized maca easier to digest than raw maca, as well as more concentrated in terms of its nutrient content.

Gelatinized maca also has a slightly different flavor profile than raw maca, with some people finding it to be sweeter and less bitter. Raw maca can be difficult for some people to digest due to its high fiber content, so gelatinized maca may be a better option for those with digestive issues.

How much maca should I take?

When first starting out with maca, it's best to start with smaller amounts and gradually increase your dosage over time until you find what works best for you. Most people take between 1-3 teaspoons per day but this can vary depending on individual needs and preferences.

Should you take maca at night or morning?

The best time of day to take maca root supplements depends on individual needs and preferences. Some people may find that taking maca in the morning helps to increase energy levels and mental clarity for the day ahead, while others may find it more beneficial to take it in the evening, as it can have a calming effect which may help improve sleep quality.

As maca root is known to improve fertility and sexual libido, some people prefer to take their doses shortly before bedtime so they can reap its aphrodisiac effects. However, again, this will depend on your individual needs and preferences.

For those who are new to taking maca root supplements, it is recommended to start with a smaller dosage and then gradually increase it over time to determine what works best for you. Taking maca at the same time every day may also be beneficial as it allows your body to develop a routine.

What happens if I take maca every day?

Taking maca root every day may provide a range of health benefits, from improved mood and energy levels to enhanced fertility and relief from menopausal symptoms. However, the amount you take should depend on your individual needs.

Generally speaking, most people can benefit from 1-3 grams of maca root per day, but this dose can vary depending on age, weight, and overall health. It is important to consult with your doctor or a healthcare professional to determine an appropriate dosage for your individual needs.

Are there any side effects associated with taking maca root?

In general, there are no known side effects associated with taking maca root supplements in recommended doses but some people may experience mild digestive issues such as bloating or gas when they first start taking it. If this happens, try reducing your dosage or spacing out your doses throughout the day instead of taking them all at once.

Who should not take maca?

While maca root is considered generally safe for most people, certain individuals should avoid taking it or consult with their doctor before doing so.

People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid taking maca supplements until more research has been done to determine its effects on both the mother and the baby. Additionally, people who are allergic to any food in the Brassicaceae family, such as broccoli, cauliflower, or cabbage may be more likely to experience an allergic reaction to maca root.

Maca root can also interact with certain medications, so it is important to consult with your doctor if you are currently taking any medications. Maca root is believed to have a blood pressure-lowering effect, so people who take medication for high blood pressure should talk to their doctors before taking maca root.

Finally, people with thyroid issues should be cautious when taking maca root supplements as it contains goitrogens that may interfere with the thyroid hormone synthesis process.

Can I take maca while pregnant or breastfeeding?

It's not recommended that pregnant or breastfeeding women take any type of supplement without consulting their doctor first since some supplements can have adverse effects on both mother and baby during this time period.

Does maca interact with any medications?

Yes, certain medications can interact with maca so it's important to talk to your doctor before taking any supplement if you're currently on medication for any condition or illness.

How long does it take for me to feel the effects of taking maca root?

The effects of Maca Root vary from person to person but most people report feeling an increase in energy levels within a few days after starting supplementation with Macca Root Powder!

Which Maca Root Supplement Is Best For You?

We hope that after reading this article, you feel more informed and empowered to kickstart your journey toward better health with maca root supplements.

Remember, it's all about finding what works for you - so whether you're a fan of capsules or powders, organic or non-organic, there's an option out there that's right for you.  Don't forget to click on the links below to the products you liked best to make your purchase and get started on feeling like the best version of yourself!

Happy Shopping!

The Prolific Picks Team

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