Coconut oil is a natural, healthy way to get a slight tan. You can either use it as a main form of sun protection or to enhance your current tan. Coconut oil tanning is gradual and will take a few days or weeks to achieve the desired color. Plus, it’s good for your skin!

Coconut oil has many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for the skin. It can help to protect against free radical damage, which can cause premature aging. Coconut oil also has natural SPF properties and can help to deflect the sun’s harmful rays.

When using coconut oil as your main form of sun protection, it is important to reapply it often, especially if you are sweating or swimming. The SPF in coconut oil will diminish over time and needs to be replenished in order to keep your skin protected.aim for an SPF of 30 or higher.

Coconut oil tanning is a great alternative to traditional methods like self-tanners and spray tans. It’s safe, natural, and gentle on the skin. And, it doesn’t have any synthetic chemicals or unnatural ingredients that can cause skin irritation or other side effects.

To coconut oil tan, start by exfoliating your skin with a sugar scrub or loofah sponge. This will help to remove any dead skin cells and create a smooth surface for the coconut oil to adhere to. Next, apply a generous amount of coconut oil all over your body and massage it into your skin until it’s fully absorbed.

Now, step outside and expose yourself to some sunlight! The UV rays will interact with the oils in your skin and result in a slight tan. You can stay out in the sun for as long as you’d like, but aim for at least 15 minutes per day.

Once you’ve achieved your desired level of tan, you can maintain it by applying coconut oil every few days. Be sure to exfoliate regularly and use sunscreen when necessary—just like you would with any other type of tanning method.

Coconut oil is an all-natural way to get a beautiful golden glow without using harsh chemicals or artificial ingredients. It’s safe for the skin and helps to protect against free radical damage while providing SPF benefits. Coconut oil tanning is gradual and takes commitment, but it’s definitely worth it!

Check out our top picks for the best coconut oils so you can get started on your sexy tan!