Having acne on your back can be annoying, embarrassing, and even painful. Luckily, there are several things you can do to treat back acne, including using a back scrubber.

In this article, we will discuss the causes of back acne and how to clean and treat it using a back scrubber.

Let’s dive in!

What Causes Back Acne?

Back acne is caused by clogged pores that become infected with bacteria. These clogged pores can be caused by an abundance of sweat or oil produced by sweat glands on your back.

Other potential causes of back acne include tight clothing (especially made from synthetic fabrics), dead skin cells not being sloughed off appropriately, and hormone imbalances.

How to Clean and Treat Back Acne With a Back Scrubber

Using a back scrubber is one way to help prevent and reduce the occurrence of back acne. A back scrubber is essentially an exfoliating tool that helps remove dirt, oils, and dead skin cells from your body while also increasing blood circulation in the area where the tool is being used.

The following steps should be taken when using a back scrubber for treating acne:

  1. Start by soaking your body in warm water for 10 minutes or so to soften up your skin before exfoliating. This will make it easier for the scrubber bristles to penetrate deep into your pores without causing any irritation or discomfort.
  2. Apply soap directly onto the area you plan on exfoliating with the back scrubber; this will help create foam which will ensure that the bristles have something to work with as they move against your skin.
  3. Begin gently massaging the bristles against your skin in circular motions for about 5 minutes; this will help loosen up any dirt or debris that may be trapped deep inside your pores.
  4. Rinse off thoroughly with warm water once you are done exfoliating; this will ensure that all traces of soap residue have been removed from your skin surface so as not to irritate or cause further breakouts of acne on the affected areas of your body.
  5. Finally, pat yourself dry using a soft towel immediately after rinsing off; this will keep your skin hydrated while also ensuring that any excess moisture has been dried off completely before putting on clothes again thus avoiding any further irritation due to friction between fabric and moist skin surfaces/pores/hair follicles, etc.

To Sum It All Up...

Back acne can be uncomfortable and embarrassing but luckily there are ways to effectively treat it such as using a good quality back scrubber specifically designed for cleaning away dirt, oils, and dead skin cells while helping increase circulation in the area where it's being used as well as preventing future breakouts from occurring by keeping the area free from debris buildup over time!

Check out our top picks of the best scrubbers for back acne to invest in a good quality product – it may just save you time (and money!) tomorrow!