The sun isn't the only source of harmful blue light. Our digital devices, such as phones and computers, also produce a lot of blue light which can be damaging to our skin. If you're wondering how to protect your skin from this kind of exposure, read on for tips and advice.

Limit Your Screen Time

One strategy to protect your skin from blue light is limiting your screen time. We know that this might not be feasible depending on what your job entails but try to limit yourself whenever possible. Take regular breaks throughout the day or use an app like Forest which rewards users for being device-free! You can even purchase special screens for your devices that have anti-glare filters built in so you won’t have to squint when looking at them.

Invest in Anti-Blue Light Glasses

Another way to protect your skin from blue light is investing in anti-blue light glasses. These glasses are designed with specialized lenses that filter out the high-energy visible (HEV) radiation emitted by our digital devices. They come in a variety of styles and shapes, so they can easily fit into any aesthetic. Plus, they look pretty cool!

Wear Sunscreen

The number one thing you can do to protect your skin from blue light is to wear sunscreen. Sunscreen will help filter out the harmful UV rays from both natural and artificial sources, so make sure you use it every day—even if you aren't planning to be outside for long periods. For added protection, choose a sunscreen that is specifically designed to protect against blue light.

All in All...

Protecting your skin from blue light doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive — just remember these three simple steps:  limit screen time as much as possible, invest in anti-blue light glasses, and wear sunscreen every day!

Check out our list of top picks for blue light sunscreen to get started on protecting your skin!