Attention all beauty lovers! Pump up your hair health and get a youthful, radiant glow with the magical ingredient of papaya seed oil. Get ready to transform your skin. Glow up instantly and add this secret beauty hack to your skincare routine for an instant gorgeous complexion.

Read on to learn more about the fantastic benefits of using papaya seed oil and find out what our top picks are in today's product review blog post!

The Top 5 Picks

How Prolific Picks Chooses the Best For You

Researching and reading hundreds of customer reviews take too much of your valuable time when searching for products...

That's where Prolific Picks comes in! Our expert reviewers have done all the research for you so that you can find the best product quickly and easily. We make sure our picks are based on quality ingredients, affordability, customer feedback, and more - so that you get exactly what works best for YOU!

We hope you find stuff worth having from the list below! Each product was independently selected by our team and all opinions in this article are our own. Prolific Picks may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to buy something (that's how we stay in business).

SIVA Papaya Seed Oil

Best for Improving Skin Texture & Tone


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Why We Love It

SIVA Papaya Seed Oil is a luxurious, cold-pressed oil rich in oleic acid and triacylglycerol. It is an excellent source of nourishment for your skin. It improves skin elasticity, reduces wrinkles, regenerates skin cells, and deeply moisturizes your skin.

This Papaya Seed Oil also makes a great oil for nails and cuticles. It contains high levels of Vitamin C and carotene which help to fight free radicals that cause skin aging and darkening. With regular use, you will see a noticeable improvement in your skin’s texture and tone.

SIVA Naturals is a company dedicated to providing high-quality natural products that are ethically sourced and sustainably produced. They strive to create products that are free of artificial ingredients, preservatives, and other chemicals. Their mission is to provide customers with safe and effective products that promote health and well-being.

Things You Want to Know

  • 4 oz.
  • Comes in a superior amber glass bottle & glass dropper to protect against UV radiation from sunlight


Best for Dry Scalp


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Why We Love It

The perfect solution for nourishing your skin and giving it an ethereal glow, this papaya seed oil helps to deeply nourish your skin while balancing out excess sebum. It's light and non-greasy, making it ideal for face, body, and scalp massage. It also helps to moisturize the dry scalp while providing essential nutrients for healthier-looking skin.

SVA Organics is a leading manufacturer of organic health and beauty products that are made with natural ingredients to provide you with the best quality products. Our mission is to provide our customers with the highest quality products at an affordable price.

Things You Want to Know

  • 4 oz.
  • Virgin, unrefined, & cold-pressed Carica Papaya seeds from India
  • 100% pure, natural, & authentic
  • Hexane-free, alcohol, and solvent free.

Deve Herbes Pure Papaya Seed Oil

Best for Scars & Blemishes

Deve Herbes

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Why We Love It

Deve Herbes cold-pressed papaya seed oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and an enzyme that helps lighten scars and blemishes while fighting signs of aging. It adds volume and shines to your hair while nourishing your skin with its natural ingredients.

Deve Herbes is a privately owned essential oil company that has been providing quality products for over 10 years. They are committed to delivering the highest quality products at affordable prices, so you can trust that you're getting the best value for your money when you purchase from them.

Things You Want to Know

  • 100% natural therapeutic grade cold pressed oil
  • Available in multiple sizes (10-100ml)
  • Comes in a high-quality amber glass container

Botanical Beauty Papaya Seed Oil Wild Growth

Best for Treating Irritated Skin Conditions

Botanical Beauty

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Why We Love It

Botanical Beauty Papaya Seed Oil is rich in gamma linoleic acid, or GLA, which comes from essential fatty acids, vitamins E, A & C, and is a remarkably stable source of omega 6 & 9. It. is an ideal light moisturizer for everyday use and beneficial for skin, hair, and lip care. This oil is a great addition to makeup removers and facial cleansers. Due to the natural exfoliating enzyme papain, it can also be used as an exfoliant that dissolves dead skin cells and reveals brighter, healthier-looking skin.

It can also be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, rashes, burns, and acne scars while providing relief from dry skin, cracked skin, and other painful conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Plus cellulite reduction is a great bonus!

Botanical Beauty is a company dedicated to providing high-quality natural products that are safe for your body and the environment. All of their products are made with natural ingredients that are sustainably sourced from around the world. They believe in using only the best ingredients to create products that are good for you and good for the planet.

Things You Want to Know

  • Come in various sizes from 0.50-15 ml
  • 100% pure, natural, unrefined, undiluted, & cold pressed

Liquid Gold Inc. Premium Papaya Seed Oil

Best for Nourishing Hair Follicles

Liquid Gold Inc. 

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Why We Love It

Liquid Gold Inc. Premium Papaya Seed Oil is bottled daily to ensure freshness and quality. With an expiration date of at least 12 months from the sale date, you can be sure that this product will last you a long time.

It is a great source of Vitamin A and Papain, which helps to remove dead skin cells and break down inactive proteins. It also has many other benefits such as improving skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles, and providing nourishment to hair follicles. It is also great for carrier oils.

Liquid Gold Inc. was founded in 2021 with the mission of providing high-quality skincare products made from natural ingredients. They strive to make products that are safe for both people and the environment, while still delivering results that exceed expectations.

Things You Want to Know

  • 8 oz.
  • 100% pure & organic oil

Papaya Seed Oil FAQs

Are you looking to learn more about papaya seed oil? Do you have questions that need answering before you make your next purchase?

Trying to find answers online can be overwhelming and time-consuming.

Look no further! We've created a list of Frequently Asked Questions so that you can make an informed decision with total confidence. Our FAQs will help guide you through all the information so that you can receive all the benefits on how to use it!

What is papaya seed oil?

Papaya seed oil is a light, non-greasy oil that is extracted from the seeds of the papaya fruit. It is rich in vitamins A and C, omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, and other beneficial enzymes.

What are the benefits of papaya seed oil?

Papaya seed oil is known for its moisturizing properties, making it an ideal choice for skin care products. It also contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness, blotching, and swelling on the face. It can help protect the skin against environmental aggressors and slow down signs of aging.

It also helps to reduce dark spots, acne scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. Additionally, it has high levels of Vitamin C which helps to rejuvenate the skin and reduce acne scars. Papaya seed oil can be used in body glow oils, facial serums, and other beauty products to give your skin a radiant glow.

Is papaya seed oil good for hair?

Papaya oil has been found to have a potent hair growth-stimulating activity, according to a 2018 study. It helps to promote hair growth, control and prevent dandruff, deeply condition hair, balance the production of sebum, and repair split ends. It helps to strengthen the hair follicles and promote healthy hair growth. It can also help to reduce dandruff and improve scalp health.

Does papaya seed oil lighten skin?

Yes, papaya seed oil can be used to lighten skin. It contains an enzyme called papain which has natural skin-lightening properties, as well as a slew of other great skin benefits. Papaya seed oil is known to brighten, remove flaky skin, and even out skin tone naturally, making it a phenomenal ingredient in skin care formulations. Daily application of cold-pressed papaya seed oil may help lighten dark spots and blemishes, while also providing nourishment and hydration to the skin.

How do you use papaya seed oil?

Papaya seed oil can be used directly on the skin or added to your favorite lotions or creams for an extra boost of hydration. You can also mix it with other oils like coconut or jojoba for a more nourishing blend.

Is papaya seed oil safe to use during pregnancy?

Yes, the papaya seed oil is generally considered safe to use during pregnancy as long as it is used in moderation. However, it’s always best to consult with your doctor before using any new product while pregnant or breastfeeding.

Does papaya seed oil clog pores?

No, papaya seed oil does not clog pores as it has a low comedogenic rating (2 out of 5). This means that it won’t block your pores or cause breakouts when applied topically.

Can I cook with papaya seed oil?

Yes! Papaya seed oil has a high smoke point (450°F) so it’s perfect for cooking at high temperatures without burning or smoking up your kitchen. It also adds a nice nutty flavor to dishes!

How long does papaya seed oil last?

When stored properly in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, unopened bottles of papaya seed oil should last up to two years before going bad. Once opened, however, you should use the product within six months for optimal freshness and potency.

What does papaya seed oil smell like?

Papaya seed oil has a light, sweet and fruity aroma. It is often described as having a tropical scent that is reminiscent of papaya fruit.

Which Papaya Seed Oil Is Best For You?

To sum it up, papaya seed oil leaves you with beauty skin and hair. It can be used as a part of your regular skincare and haircare routine to achieve healthier, brighter skin, and softer, shinier locks!

There are plenty of products available that contain papaya seed oil so don’t forget to click on the links below for the product you liked best!

Happy Shopping!

The Prolific Picks Team

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