Are you looking to upgrade your mind and body with a miracle oil?

Look no further than Saint John's Wort Oil! This powerful oil contains organic compounds that have been used for centuries as a natural remedy for physical and emotional stressors. Read on to find out how St John's Wort Oil can help you get balanced, unlock your inner calm and transform stress into balance and discover our selection of top picks!

What is St John's Wort Oil?

St John's Wort Oil is an extract of the flowering plant Hypericum perforatum, also known as St John's wort flowers. The oil is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the plant and is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

The multitude of medicinal characteristics that St. John's Wort provides makes it an invaluable addition to herbal supplements and is now obtainable virtually anywhere on the planet.

The Benefits of Using St John's Wort Oil

St. John's Wort Oil is known for its medicinal properties and has been used traditionally for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions, including skin disorders such as acne and eczema, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and nerve pain.

According to research published in the journal Mediators of Inflammation, St. John’s Wort Oil contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation throughout the body. This oil also contains several essential fatty acids which are needed for healthy skin cells and helps with maintaining moisture balance in the skin by providing lubrication from within.

In addition to treating topical issues such as dryness or irritation associated with eczema or psoriasis, it is also frequently used as a natural remedy for nerve pain due to its high content of active ingredients that can improve the circulation of nutrients into affected areas.

As an antiseptic agent, this oil has antibacterial properties so it can help protect against environmental irritants while healing damaged tissues at the same time.

Finally, when applied before bedtime it may also be able to induce relaxation thanks to its calming effects on both mind and body due to being rich in tryptophan which helps promote sleepiness when taken regularly before going to bed at night.

All these wonderful benefits make St John's Wort Oil an ideal choice when looking for natural remedies that provide long-lasting relief without any harsh side effects!

The Top 4 Picks

How Prolific Picks Chooses the Best For You

With so many products on the market, it's hard to know which one is right for you and if it will do what it promises. It's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the options out there and feel like you'll never find the perfect fit.

Prolific Picks has done all of the hard work for you! Our expert reviewers have spent countless hours researching and reviewing hundreds of customer reviews to bring you only the best products available.

We make sure that every product we recommend is backed by real results so that you can trust us when making your purchase decisions.

AROMATIKA St John's Wort Infused Oil

Best for Reducing Stress & Relief from Anxiety


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Why We Love It

AROMATIKA St Johns Wort Infused Oil is a nourishing and multipurpose oil that can be used for skin, hair, face, body, scalp, and massage. It is rich in fatty acids and vitamins and can be used as a pure agent or an excellent addition to any essential oil blend.

This oil is great for soreness, mood, and skin care. It can help reduce inflammation, improve skin tone, moisturize the skin, and promote healthy hair growth. It also has calming properties which can help reduce stress levels and provide relief from anxiety.

Aromatika has been the trusted leader for natural health products for over two decades - supplying superior quality, 100% pure essential oils and carrier oils. They strive to provide you with safe, effective solutions that will help enhance your overall well-being. So if it's supreme quality and unbeatable customer service you're looking for in a supplier of plant-derived remedies, then look no further than Aromatika!

Things You Want to Know

  • 100 ml
  • No synthetic additives, preservatives, or colorants
  • 100% pure and natural st john wort oil
  • Not tested on animals & vegan
  • Gluten-free and non GMO

TALYA St. John's Wort Oil

Best for Mood & Emotional Balance


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Why We Love It

Welcome to the world of Talya’s St. John’s Wort Oil, which is made with sustainably wildcrafted, fresh St John’s Wort petals, harvested directly from the Mediterranean Mountains, and macerated into extra virgin olive oil. If you’re looking for a natural way to support a positive mental outlook and promote skin health, this is the perfect product for you!

They use a proprietary process to preserve 100% of the active ingredients for maximum potency and effectiveness — all without any added chemicals or preservatives! Talya Herbal ensures that each bottle of St. John’s Wort Oil contains only the freshest and most natural ingredients, creating a deeply nourishing oil that has become an essential part of many people's daily routines.

Whether you apply it topically or take it orally as part of your supplementation routine, Talya’s St. John’s Wort Oil will help you reach overall well-being in no time. And with its light herbal aroma and rich texture, it makes every application a truly special experience!

Things You Want to Know

  • 20 ml
  • Free from pesticides, herbicides and glyphosate.
  • Naturally Vegan and Non-GMO

Herb Pharm St. John's Wort Topical Oil

Best for Skin Wounds & Irritations

Herb Pharm 

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Why We Love It

Herb Pharm St. John's Wort Topical Oil is a natural remedy that offers relief from trauma, soreness, wounds, bruises, contusions, and other skin irritations. This topical oil can be applied directly to the affected area or added to your favorite lotion or cream for added benefits. It absorbs quickly into the skin and helps reduce inflammation while promoting healing and comfort. With Herb Pharm St. John's Wort Topical Oil, you can get fast relief from skin irritations without any harsh chemicals or toxins.

This St. John's Wort Topical Oil is prepared from the sustainably wildcrafted, fresh flowering and budding top of Hypericum perforatum plants, making sure that what you get matches what the plant naturally has to offer. They go the extra mile to make sure their oils are thoroughly screened for synthetic herbicides and pesticides, heavy metals, bacteria, yeast, and mold – all so that you can trust them to provide the best quality nature has to offer.

The folk herbalists then lovingly extract herbs gently into certified cold-pressed organic olive oil to preserve as much of each herb’s natural properties as possible.

Things You Want to Know

  • 30 ml
  • For external use only

Liquid Gold Inc. Premium St.John's Wort Herbal Oil

Best for Improving Skin, Hair, & Nail Health

Liquid Gold Inc.

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Why We Love It

Introducing Liquid Gold Premium Herbal St John's Wort Oil, the perfect choice for those looking to improve their skin, hair, and nail health. All their oils are fresh and bottled daily with an expiration date of at least 12 months from the sale date.

Both light orange and reddish in color, this herbal oil is sure to not only tantalize your senses but make a profound impact on your overall wellness. This oil has many benefits including reducing inflammation, soothing sunburns, improving skin elasticity, promoting healthy hair growth, and strengthening nails. It also helps reduce wrinkles and age spots while providing deep hydration for your skin. With regular use of this oil, you can expect to see the improved overall health of your skin, hair, and nails!

Liquid Gold Inc is a family-owned business that has been providing premium quality herbal oils since 2023. They strive to provide our customers with the highest quality products that are natural, organic, and safe to use on skin, hair, and nails.

Things You Want to Know

  • 8 fl. oz.
  • Infused in refined Olive oil
  • 100% Pure St.John's Wort Herbal Oil

St John's Wort Oil FAQs

Are you considering using St John's Wort oil, but are feeling overwhelmed with all the information out there?

You likely still have a lot of important questions about St John's Wort oil, maybe even more questions than when you started.

Don't worry! We've put together a list of frequently asked questions about St John's Wort oil so that you can make an informed decision when purchasing this natural remedy. Our FAQs provide clear answers and guidance on how to use this powerful oil safely and effectively for your health needs.

How do I use St John’s Wort Oil?

St John’s Wort Oil can be used topically by applying directly onto the skin or added to a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil for massage purposes. It can also be taken orally in capsule form or added to food or drinks for flavor enhancement.

Does St John's Wort Oil have any side effects?

In general, St Johns Wort Oil does not have any serious side effects when used in recommended doses but some people may experience mild skin irritation when applied topically or digestive upset when taken orally in large amounts over a long period of time. If you experience any adverse reactions stop using immediately and consult your doctor if necessary.

Is there anyone who should not take St John's Wort Oil?

People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid taking St Johns Wort oil without consulting their doctor first as it could potentially cause harm to the baby or mother if taken incorrectly or in high doses over a long period of time.

People who are taking other medications should also check with their doctor before taking this supplement as it could interact with certain drugs and cause unwanted side effects.

How much St John's Wort oil should I take?

The recommended dose for adults is 300mg three times daily but this may vary depending on individual needs so always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

How long does it take for results from taking St Johns Worts oil?

It typically takes around 4-6 weeks for results from taking this supplement but some people may notice improvements sooner than others depending on individual circumstances so patience is key!

Are there any other natural remedies that work similarly to St Johns's worts oil?

Yes! Other herbs such as lavender essential oil, chamomile tea, lemon balm extract, passionflower extract, kava kava root powder, valerian root extract all have similar properties that may help with anxiety relief and improving moods naturally without the need for pharmaceutical drugs!

Which St John's Wort Oil Is Best For You?

All in all, St John’s Wort Oil is an amazing product that can help soothe and balance both the mind and body. Whether you are looking for a natural remedy for stress or simply want to unlock your inner calm, St John’s Wort Oil is well worth giving a try.

Don’t forget to click on the links below for the product you liked best!

Happy Shopping!

The Prolific Picks Team

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