If you’ve ever been to Korea, or even just looked at pictures of Koreans, you know that they have some of the most beautiful skin in the world. But what is their secret? Is it just good genes, or is there something more to it?

It turns out that there are a few things that Koreans do differently when it comes to their skincare routine. For one thing, they start taking care of their skin at a very young age. In fact, it’s not uncommon for Korean mothers to start massaging their babies’ faces with oil as soon as they’re born!

They also believe in the philosophy of “less is more.” Rather than using a bunch of different products, Koreans focus on using a few high-quality products that are tailored to their individual skin type. And they’re not afraid to spend a little extra money on these products, because they know that it will pay off in the long run.

Finally, Koreans make sure to exfoliate regularly. This helps to slough off dead skin cells and reveals the glowing, healthy skin underneath. They typically use physical exfoliants like scrubs or peels, although chemical exfoliants are becoming more popular as well.

So there you have it—the secrets to Korean beauty! By starting early, using fewer but better quality products, and exfoliating regularly, Koreans are able to achieve and maintain beautiful, healthy skin. So next time you’re feeling like your skincare routine isn’t working, maybe try incorporating some of these Korean tips!